Welcome to Synthetic Polymers

The home of the POLYMER that creates COLOUR. We manufacture a full range of ALKYDS, ACRYLICS, AMINOS, MODIFIED & SPECIALITY ALKYDS  to mention but a few. All manufactured in SOUTH AFRICA at our world class facility. Feel free to browse our site or click on the link below to contact us directly for more information.


Synthetic Polymers specializes in manufacturing of synthetic resins & polymers for the COATINGS INDUSTRY.  SPL entered the industry in late 2015 and has grown to become an integral part of the SOUTHERN AFRICAN COATINGS MARKET.

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SPL is housed on a massive 3.6 hectre piece of property built & designed specifically for mass production of RESINS & POLYMERS. This state of art plant is able to produce a variety of resins in GERMAN designed reactors of various size and massive STORAGE capacities for both Raw materials & Finished Goods in BULK.  The Laboratory & R&D Center is equipped with a small pilot plant and latest instruments for testing & QC purposes.

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At SPL we manufacture full range of ALKYDS, THERMOPLASTIC & THERMOSET ACRYLICS, AMINOS, MODIFIED & SPECIALITY ALKYDS, SATURATED POLYESTERS etc. We cater to a wide spectrum of the COATINGS INDUSTRY and also manufacture under license for MN C’s.

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SPL  ETHOS : Quality & Consistency @ Competitive PRICES


” A winner is a dreamer who never gives up”

-Nelson Mandela.